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10,000 words

Two of a Kind

I've got about 10,000 words left to write of my #romance novel. Then I have to write the final draft. I'm hoping to have this novel finished in a few short weeks. Then I can put it out to traditional publishers and agents and hope for the best. The story is about two soulmates trying to beat the odds.

Dark Jealousy

On this project, I'm about 3/4 of the way done of the first draft. It's going to take a good chunk of the year to complete. Yet, it will be worth it. Dark Jealousy is a #historicalmystery and is the follow up to Guilty Deceptions and takes place about a year after the events.

Untitled Historical Mystery

The third and final book for Sheriff Dawson is just an idea as of now. Yet, if I finish up my #romance and my #historicalmystery in good time, I will begin working on this project. I'm

unsure of what the storyline will be but I do know already that it's going to centre around

the Great Fire of Saint John.

Office Space

I'm still looking for a desk for my office space, but I should have one by January. I'll take pictures of my set up and post it to my social media when it's done.

The last week was brutal for writing, but I did manage to get some done on Friday. After

the new year, I'll get back to writing everyday. These things are what I'll be focused on over the coming weeks of 2023. This is my year, I can feel it. Until Next Time, D.C. Malcolm

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