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Thursday Update & New Cover Reveal

Good morning, can you believe there is only a few days left to 2023? I've been so busy this year that I can barely believe it myself. Where has the time gone? I had been so busy this year I couldn't even focus on my writing but now I'm more focused than I ever was before.

For the past week, I have been working on the first draft to the Prequel for Guilty Deceptions. I'm 25k words in already, but I'm going to put this on hold for now and complete Dark Jealousy which is nearly finished, and finally get it out to you.

I have lots of exciting things coming up this year, and hope that everyone will enjoy them. One of them is a brand new cover for Guilty Deceptions, that I hope will help generate more engagement.

The second is that I'm going to be running a Gold Promo through Best Book Monkey and hope that

this revives the book some.

I've been using my Social Media more again, and have updated the Website. I have more plans in the near future including writing a brand new Short Story, which will be offered free with every subscription to the website. If you are already subscribed and would like to read this story when it is released just send me an email requesting it and I'll gladly send you the download link. My email is available on the contact section of the website.

January will be filled with writing and marketing, and it should be an exciting month. I hope to finish Dark Jealousy by the end of January if all goes well. There really isn't much left to write. Then I'll be editing it, and formatting it for both Kindle and Paperback. Then prepare for it's initial release. Dark Jealousy is Book Two of the Sheriff Dawson Series. Then I'm finishing the prequel before writing Book three.

It's going to be a busy year for me writing wise, and I hope you all join me on the journey. I enjoy writing the Sheriff Dawson Series, and hope to continue it further in the future. Now for the moment we've all been waiting for the new cover for Guilty Deceptions.

Until next time,

D.C. Malcolm

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