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Thursday Vibes

To be completely honest, I haven't written much since Christmas. I'll get back into the swing of things soon. Mainly, I have been focused on my Social Media Content Bucket, updating my website, and launching my review business.

I have two novels I've been working on this fall. My #Romance called Two of a Kind, which I hope to send to traditional publishers and agents this January. I'm also working on my #historicalmystery called Dark Jealousy which I plan to self-publish on Amazon later this spring. I'm buckling down

this year and am taking my writing more seriously.

I'll be getting a semi- office space in my living room (my apartment is small) sometime this spring, so there will be no more writing on the couch. Once my office space is in place I should be able to write for longer periods of time, and complete my manuscripts in better


Launching My Reviews and Beta Reads

Starting January 1st, I'll be launching my reviews and beta reading business. I may take it over to Fivver too, it all depends on how well it takes on the website. I'm always looking for new things to read, and it would be nice to make a little extra cash as well.

Goals for 2023

My goals for 2023 are going to be simple and I hope I can complete each of them in good time.

  1. Finish Two of a Kind - This novel is nearly complete now. I got to finish this draft, edit, and re-write one last time. I am hoping it will be completed by Febuary.

  2. Finish Dark Jealousy - For this of you who don't know, Dark Jealousy is the follow-up book for Guilty Deceptions. I'm nearly Completed the first draft, so this book still needs some tender love and care until it's complete.

  3. Romance/Sci-Fi book, I have been playing with this manuscript for years, and I'm hoping this is the year that I get it out. We'll see if I can manage three novels in a single year.

  4. Reading - I love reading, but lately I haven't been doing it as much as I should be. In 2023, I hope to be able to read more and buy more books. Hopefully my Review Service will help me find some more great reads.

  5. Guilty Deceptions - I need to continue to market Guilty Deceptions a lot more than I have been. I also need to try to get a few more reviews for the book, as well as purchase some physical copies of the novel to hopefully donate to the local library.

  6. Semi-Office - The only thing right now missing to build my office space is a desk. Hoping to have this sooner rather than later, and then I'll be able to get more work done.

  7. Grow my Brand - I'm doing awesome on Twitter but most of my followers are other authors. I need to try to draw more readers in. Once they read my writing they will love the story, they just need to be able to find me first.

  8. Work on my shyness - I feel I'm missing out on the full experience of TikTok, and thats because I'm shy. I don't like being on Video, and that is mainly what TikTok is about.

  9. Start a new Book - I'm unsure if this is going to be another #Historicalmystery or another #Romance. Also not sure if this is going to be the third book featuring Sheriff Dawson (there will be a third book) or if it will be something fresh.

  10. Stay Consistent - Sometimes I get into periods where I don't touch writing or marketing for months. Even though sometimes things might look bleak I'm determined to push through, and continue doing these things even when it feels like I'm wasting my time.

I feel really confident that I can reach most if not all of my goals for 2023. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how things pan out. Until Next Time, D.C. Malcolm

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